Friday, December 5, 2008

Know Your Panic Attack Symptoms

Janet was sure she was having a heart attack. She woke up shaking and trembling with a pain in her chest. Her heart seemed as though it would leap right out of her chest, it was beating so fast. She had no idea what was happening to her so she went to the ER. At the ER, the doctor did an EKG and took some blood work and soon concluded that she was suffering from a panic attack.

Practically everyone will experience anxiety and panic in one form or another during the course of their life. Just hearing the phone ring in the middle of the night, or hearing about an impending storm can cause a measure of anxiety or panic.

What are the physical symptoms of a panic attack?

Many people experience a slight case of "butterflies in the stomach" when facing a tense situation, but full-blown anxiety attack symptoms can mean severe nausea or stomach cramps, along with muscles so tense they hurt to move, tingling or numbness in the fingers, toes, and on the face, bouts of sweating, and a pounding heartbeat.
In addition to the physical symptoms, other unpleasant effects might be a feeling of disorientation, and the very real fear that you are going crazy or losing your mind.

Many methods and treatments have been developed to try and give people relief from the symptoms of panic and anxiety attacks.
There are a variety of treatments available for controlling panic attacks, including medications, and behavioral techniques including relaxation techniques and gradually increasing exposure to situations that may have previously caused anxiety.

It is not uncommon for people to spend many months having therapy sessions to overcome their panic attacks. Unfortunately, very often these people experience only a minor improvement in their anxiety symptoms. Prescribed medications often have nasty side effects, but patients must keep taking them otherwise the panic attacks start again.

Fortunately, if you want to discover how to stop a panic attack there is a radical new treatment I discovered that is unlike anything that is available today. It involves no medication, no herbs, no therapy, no riding out the fear or hypnosis. If you want to find out about it, visit Freedom From Panic or sign up for the free newsletter at Freedom From Panic Tips.

panic attack help
panic attacks at night
how to stop a panic attack
preventing panic attacks
panic attack symptoms
panic attack treatment
overcoming panic attacks